Real Potatoes Yellow offering
Actrice is an early variety for the fresh marketplace. Actrice produces beautiful round-oval tubers with very good culinary qualities. Additionally, there is no after cooking discoloration. It is very well suited to washing and stores well.
Read more: ActriceAlegria is a high yielding, dual purpose yellow fleshed variety. Its combination of early maincrop maturity, a proven fresh cut french fry record, and the ability to fresh pack as well, makes this a very flexible option for growers.
Read more: AlegriaAs the name implies, the variety has an electrifying appearance and yield potential. Bold short oval tubers with a yellow skin and yellow flesh present a bright smooth appearing tuber, sure to catch the eye of today's consumer.
Read more: ElectraSoraya is a low input variety with a broad diseases resistance profile, making it ideal for organic production. It is a variety suited for different climatic areas and performs well throughout these regions. It produces high yields of attractive, oval shapped tubers with shallow eyes. It stores well late in the season and is suited to washing and pre-packing with no discoloration after cooking.
Read more: Soraya